February/March 2025

I’m a bit behind the 8 ball this year – babysitting over the school holidays, but I still managed to publish the first novella-length book in a paranormal romance series I want to start, called ‘Wonderfully Wicked.’ I hope to have the series feature four books throughout the year for every holiday – Valentine, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas, with the boxset of all four available in 2026.

The first book, A BROOMSTICK BREW has a Valentine’s Day theme. It features a young witch, Wysper, who hasn’t received her powers yet and enlists the aid of magic to capture the heart of her unrequited love interest, Scott, a carefree surfer. Although they are both extremely attracted to each other, they met when both were partnered up with other people. Wysper was in a relationship with Scott’s best friend, and Scott was dating Wysper’s bestie. It’s all a bit complicated with the unwritten law that you don’t date your best friend’s ex. And therein lies the problem, putting friendship loyalty to the test.

When the love-potion backfires and Wysper finds herself crushing on everyone in sight, Valentine’s becomes a hilarious adventure. To make matters worse, Scott’s best mate and Wysper’s ex isn’t happy as he wants to get back together. A quick and delightful Valentine read.

We also had 10 days away at Busselton for a well-deserved break. These two pictures are of the beach at Busselton. The weather was glorious, hot enough to go for a swim every day with a nice sea breeze in the afternoon to keep us cool. I made the mistake of wanting to swim inside the roped-off enclosed area, which was fine if it wasn’t for the clear almost invisible jellyfish that managed to cause a few stings on my legs.

That wasn’t the worst of it though, I came out of the water with an instant burning rash along my arm. Apparently, this is called Seabather’s Eruption. It’s a burning, itching rash that can occur when a swimmer gets stung by tiny thimble jellyfish, often mistakenly referred to as sea lice. The larvae get trapped in the fabric of the bathing suit and sting the swimmer. But honestly, they didn’t get trapped as it was on my arm. I rinsed off under the shower and when I got home applied some sting-ointment and it was gone in an hour. But it made me cautious when swimming. I would have loved to do the laps every day, but those darn jellyfish turned me off. I still went swimming but always had one eye on the lookout for those near invisible pests.

Now back home I hope to get some writing done on the next instalment.

Talk soon. 😊

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