Georgia Tingley


Thanks so much for checking out my website today. I self-published my first novel in early 2018 and haven’t looked back since. In 2020 I had the pleasure of being nominated and winning the Romance Writers of Australia’s RuBY AWARD –  Romantic Book of the Year. It’s quite an achievement in such a short space of time. 

It’s all a bit scary and challenging, but I love writing and creating stories so much that it’s become a drug of choice, and I’m an addict needing my fix. 

My  novels ‘Justice’ and ‘An Unholy Gift’ are the first two books of my paranormal thriller/romance trilogy – Angel Calling Series. If you haven’t read them already, please check them out. If you have, I hope you enjoyed reading the books as much as I did writing it. 

I also have my ‘Mature Love’ romances for older women, where the heroine is over 35  called ‘Having Faith’ & ‘All The Dumb Things’. I’ve won the RuBy Award for my Christmas Novella – ‘Whistler Wonderland’ and in the new year a wonderful Valentine Anthology called ‘A Perfectly Paranormal Valentine’ will be released in time for the February holiday. This will be an exciting addition to my romance repertoire as I’m joined by four other exciting Australian romance authors. 


I’ve had the privilege of living in a number of countries growing up – India, England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. I hold citizenship to only three of the above, but I call Australia home – it’s where my heart is!

Currently I live in Western Australia only a short walk from the best beaches in Oz.

After accepting a voluntary redundancy from my Administration job, I decided to take on the thrill of writing and I haven’t looked back.

In my downtime  I love to read, read and read. Watch TV shows and movies. Do crafts – knitting, cross-stitch, long-stitch, and sewing. Love to get in the garden as it is so therapeutic. My husband and I enjoy caravanning  with The Gibb River Road on our ‘to do list’.

Please feel free to say g’day at georgiatingley at outlook dot com or my facebook and twitter pages. I love to hear from my readers.